The Compass School

Vision, Values and Mission


 ‘True navigation begins in the human heart’

Our ambition is to unlock the potential of all children because every young life is special.

We want students to leave The Compass School open to possibility and gifted with the potential to change the world for the better.

We have high expectations of all students and believe that with the right support every student can succeed at The Compass School.

True navigation quote

Our school provides a compass to guide the children and young people in our care: ‘True navigation begins in the human heart. It is the most important map of all’.

Each journey through life is unique.

Starting from different places, we travel with others but we each discover our own way through the challenges life brings.

We will educate and guide our pupils to successfully travel their path to adulthood.


Our School Star Values:


⭐ We strive to be the best that we can be – understanding ourselves and our unique contribution to our community.

⭐ We produce the best work that we can so that we feel proud of ourselves.

⭐ We are committed to equality and understand and value diversity – success for all.


⭐ We understand that we will achieve more together than we can alone.

⭐ We value kindness and build trust We are honest with ourselves and each other fostering mutual respect.


⭐ We respect and develop ourselves, our community and our environment.

⭐ We champion the potential in everyone.

⭐ We work towards leading healthy and fulfilled lives.


⭐ We keep trying, even when things are hard.

⭐ We learn from our mistakes and believe we can improve.

⭐ We know how to handle stressful situations.

Our Staff Working Partnership – How We Work

⭐ Embracing the vision.

⭐ Putting our pupils always first.

⭐ Being honest and acting with integrity.

⭐ Practising respect for one another.

⭐ Pulling together at all times.

⭐ Supporting our operating rules and culture.

⭐Working safely and responsibly.

Mission to support pupils with SEMH

We aim to provide an education which delivers outstanding outcomes for children with social, emotional and mental health needs.

Underpinning this are high expectations and aspirations for all, so we ensure that all children make good progress from whatever their starting points and are supported to achieve accreditation and qualifications which enhance their life chances.

We will ensure that children have positive destinations to move on to in the next stage of their lives. We believe it is essential children experience a ‘rite of passage’ through which they can grow and develop increasing maturity towards that goal. We will make links with local employers, apprenticeship opportunities and Further Education and Higher Education providers.

For this reason, we shall establish three phases in the school: a Key Stage 2 phase, a Key Stage 3 phase and a Key Stage 4 phase. Each of these phases will have distinctive features and an appropriate curriculum offer.

Reading lies at the heart of our academic curriculum and we determined that our students will leave us able with the reading, writing and communication skills they need to flourish: ‘We believe, as articulated through ‘The reading framework: Teaching the foundations of literacy’ (DFE July 2021) that:

Reading is fundamental to education. Proficiency in reading, writing and spoken language is vital for pupils’ success. Through these, they develop communication skills for education and for working with others’.

Within the phases we shall combine a strong curriculum offer with multi-agency and therapeutic support and we shall work in partnership with Havering Local Authority and other local providers to deliver this.

The curriculum will be organised to educate the whole person: head, heart and hands, based on Pestalozzi’s educational philosophy: students will have the chance to think and develop their academic and intellectual abilities to care about other and explore and understand their emotions and explore moral attitudes and they will experience practical activities and develop their social skills, character and common sense.